Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) keyboard shortcuts

These are some of the useful outlook web access shortcut keys

Del – Delete a message

Enter – Open any outlook item (Message, Appointments, Notes etc.)

Ctrl+N – Create a new outlook item (Message, Appointments, Notes etc.)

Ctrl+R – ‘Reply to’ a message

Ctrl+Shift+R – ‘Reply to all’ message

Ctrl+Shift+F – Forward  a message

Alt+S – Send mail

Esc – Close a window

Ctrl+K – Resolve recipient name using address book

F7 – Spell Check

Ctrl+Q – Mark the message as read

Ctrl+U – Mark the message as unread

Ctrl+r – To Refresh


22 responses to “Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA) keyboard shortcuts”

  1. How to unread mails in Inbox by using KeyBorad Short Cut..

  2. How to unread mails in Inbox by using KeyBorad Short Cut..???

  3. kuldeep Avatar

    Hi..I would like to ask shortcut for folowing

    1. refreshing send/unread mails.
    2. replying without attachments.
    3. replying to all without attachments.
    4. forwarding without attachments.
    5. forwarding with attachements.
    6. forwarding to all with attachements.

    Kindly provide the above shortcuts for Microsoft outlook web access

  4. Ravi Shankar Avatar
    Ravi Shankar

    Some more
    CTRL+Q – To mark the message as read.

    CTRL+U – To mark message as unread.

  5. Good tips….Thanks a lot

  6. kturner Avatar

    F9 initiates send/receive in Outlook, may work in OWA

  7. Ahsan Hameed Avatar
    Ahsan Hameed

    How to jump to next and previous e-mails using keyboard shortcut keys?

  8. Nilesh Kamble Avatar
    Nilesh Kamble

    What is the shortcut key for refresh the inbox (to check whether new massage received or not)

  9. Nilesh Kamble Avatar
    Nilesh Kamble

    What is the shortcut key for move & Copy the mail to folder

  10. Nilesh Kamble Avatar
    Nilesh Kamble

    There are some problem in outlook mail to delet any attached file while sending a mail.
    please suggest on the same,

    022 4163 4188

  11. gorav seth Avatar
    gorav seth

    one shortcut to rule them all – google apps. outlook just doesnt have any real power user functionality via owa.

  12. Iunielle Avatar

    Do you have any idea if there’s a way to DISABLE at least one keyboard shortcuts (or all, if there’s no other way) in Outlook Web app? I would like to disable ALT + S, to prevent it from sending messages by mistake.. again.

  13. How to jump to next and previous e-mails using keyboard shortcut keys?

    up and down arrow keys work for me in OWA

  14. Ctrl+d is also delete !!! OOPS! LOL!

    Lets find them all!

  15. Ctrl+w closes the window/app!! OOPS! LOL!

    Lets find them all!

  16. CRTL+r is refresh
    NOTE: (you must not have focus/highlight on an email in the list or it functions as reply), i click in the body of an email in the other window to deselect, then when you CTRL+r it is refresh, note, after refresh the first email is highlighted, so you must deselect each time 🙁



  18. Guys, who knows how to mark all messages at once?

  19. Hi Iunielle , did you get an answer? 🙂 I don’t like microsoft redefining my web browser’s shortcuts.

  20. what is the short cut key to move to folder

  21. Gajendran Avatar

    How to align the words using TAB shortcut key option
    ie see below
    POL :
    POD :

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