Disable permanently delete items warning message in Outlook

Outlook displays a warning message when deleting outlook emails. It displays a dialog box with message “Are you sure that you want permanently delete the selected items” as shown below

Are you sure that you want to permanently delee the selected items in Outlook

This is very useful warning option for the users before deleting the mail items permanently. But If you do not want to see the permanently deleted warning message then turn off or disable this warning message.

Disable warning message in Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010

Click on the File menu –> Options and navigate to Advanced tab.

Prompt for confirmation before permanently deleting items in Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2010

Scroll down to Other section and clear the checkbox with label as Prompt for confirmation before permanently deleting items. Click OK to save the changes.


Turn off permanently delete warning message in Outlook 2007

This warning message can be disabled in Outlook 2007 by using Tools –> Options.

Go to Tools –> Options and select Other tab.

Outlook 2007 Advanced Optons

Click on the Advanced Options button. The following Advanced Options window would be displayed.

Outlook 2007 Warn before permanenly deleting items

Uncheck the “Warn before permanently deleting items” to disable the warning message.

Also See: How to turn off send without attachments warning message in Outlook


18 responses to “Disable permanently delete items warning message in Outlook”

  1. Thank you for the help on deselecting the “confirmation before deleting” issue. It was right there is front of me the whole time. Thank Again.

  2. What Will said. Thanks.

  3. Many thanks – I had me flummoxed too!

  4. Can anyone tell me PLEASE how to diable sound for deleted messages in outllok 2010.
    I tried the method above (file, options, advanced etc) but this oonly eliminates the confirmation box only.

    Many thanks

  5. As I am a stuborn person I continued on trying various steps to ELIMINATE THE SOUND FROM OUTLOOK 2010 RECYCLE BIN which annoyed me – it is as follows:
    r/click on Desktop (a small selection box is dispalyed)
    click on Personalize
    click on Sounds (bottom of screen)
    click on Sounds tab top of dialog box
    under Sound Scheme choose No Sound (scroll down)
    Under Program Events chosoe Empty Recycle Bin (under Window Explorer)
    click on APPLY

    I hope this helped you

  6. Can anyone HELP me how to reset Word 2010 to print the first letter of a sentence in capital?
    Many thanks

  7. There is a bug in outlook 2010 confirmed by others on the web. Wondering if there is a solution yet?
    even though the empty delete folder box is checked by going to options, advance, check the box and ok, it does not delete and essentially is ineffective. Any cure? for now manually is the only way i can delete the delete folder.

  8. Thanks, was wondering were the option was.

  9. In the new Outlook 2010 the Inbox and Sent Items has an option to DELETE ALL. This was formely greyed out in Outlook 2007. These appear to be dangerous buttons. Is there any way to grey them out?

  10. Grant Avatar

    Thank you so much for the help. I could find and correct this in XP, but could not find it in 2010!

  11. Grant Avatar

    Thank you so much for the answer, it drove me bonkers!

  12. I did these steps and it STILL prompts me if I am sure that I want to permanently delete… Go figure.

  13. Just like Will…right in front of me the all time!

  14. wayne parker Avatar
    wayne parker

    Thanks. Very helpful. Exactly what I was looking for. I needed to disable the prompt to empty the deleted folder when exiting Outlook, and this worked perfectly.

  15. Matt Thomas Avatar
    Matt Thomas

    Hello – is there a way to do this on Outlook for Mac?

  16. […] Also See: How to disable permanently delete items warning message in Outlook […]

  17. Thank you for the helpful tip!

  18. Nijkerk Avatar

    Thanks for this handy tip.

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