Tag: Page Number
Go To specific page number in Word
In Word 2013 and Word 2010 you can go to specific page in the Word document using the Find and Replace dialog. To display the Find and Replace dialog, Navigate to Home menu and click on the drop down arrow under Find menu. Another shortcut for launching Find and Replace is by pressing Ctrl +…
Remove page number from selected pages in Word
This is in response to the query posted by a reader that “How to remove a page number without removing all page numbers ”. Word 2016, 2013 and 2010 have a feature that allows users to remove page number for selected pages alone. The option is know as “Section Break” and it is available as…
How to change starting page number in Excel 2010
This post is in reply to the query posted by a reader that My footer is starting with zero. Why? I want it to start with one. Excel 2010 footer page number by default starts with number 1and you can change the starting page number using the Page Setup option. Step 1: Click the File…