In this post, we will explore the different methods you can use to convert text cases in Excel and provide step-by-step instructions to help you get started.

The UPPER function is used to convert text to uppercase. The syntax is simple: =UPPER(text). To use the UPPER function, simply select the cell that contains the text you want to convert, then type =UPPER(A2), where A2 is the cell reference of the text you want to convert. The result will be displayed in the formula bar and can be copied and pasted as values to permanently change the text.

The LOWER function works similarly to the UPPER function, but converts text to lowercase instead. The syntax is =LOWER(text). To use the LOWER function, select the cell that contains the text you want to convert, then type =LOWER(A2), where A2 is the cell reference of the text you want to convert.

The PROPER function is used to convert text to proper case, which means that the first letter of each word is uppercase and the rest of the letters are lowercase. The syntax is =PROPER(text). To use the PROPER function, select the cell that contains the text you want to convert, then type =PROPER(A2), where A2 is the cell reference of the text you want to convert.

Here is the screenshot of sample data after applying all the text cases functions

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