Category: Office 2013
Type fraction numbers in Word 2013 & Word 2010
If you are preparing any word document that requires you to type fraction numbers then you can use the Insert Equation feature available in Word 2013 and Word 2010. Let us say you want to type the fraction numbers 3/15 + 8/15 = ? then you can do the following Word 2013 or Word 2010…
How to recover a workbook in Excel 2013 and Excel 2010
This tutorial explains the auto recover feature available in Excel 2013 and Excel 2010. The auto recover feature regularly takes a backup of the workbook and stores it in a pre defined location. This feature is useful if Excel suddenly crashes and you want to recover the working copy. Document Recovery A document recovery pane…
Change the default file location in Excel 2013 and Excel 2010
We have already seen the following articles on Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. How to change default file location in Word 2010. How to change default file location in PowerPoint 2010. In this tutorial we are going to see how to change the default file location in Microsoft Excel 2013 and Excel 2010.…
How to repair Microsoft Office 2013
This tutorial provides step by step instruction to repair Office 2013 products like Word 2013, Excel 2013, Outlook 2013 etc.. When you encounter problems with your Microsoft Office 2013 installation, then you can try these steps. Step 1: Right click on the Start menu and select Control Panel from the menu list. Step 2: In…